Halley Bay - 1964
The Lansing Snowplane
The Lansing Snowplane - in two years, I think this is the only
time I ever saw it in action. Note the reinforcing plates where the
skis are attached to the body of the craft.
Photo: © Lewis Juckes
Same again.
Photo: © Lewis Juckes
See also comments by Keith Gainey,
John Fry,
Hwfa Jones,
Graham Chambers,
Julian Rouse
and Dale Heaton,
picture taken in 1966 provided by "Doc" Ron Lloyd,
pictures taken in 1968 provided by John Fry,
and article by Roger Tiffin. It was abandoned at Halley II; see 1984 picture by Mike Dixon.
Ted Clapp (Argentine Islands 1958 & 1960; Hope Bay 1959) comments:
We tried them (Lansing Snowplanes) out at Adelaide summer '60 whilst on
recce for Base T site (not Square Bay)...Frightening !!!!!..
Johnny Green (Secfids) tried to attach some form of flag but couldn't find a
safe attachment, so abandoned the idea as there was a danger of
remnants being sucked into the propeller of the "large" Pratt and Whitney
aero engine attached. [01/08/2005]
Keith Holmes (Stonington 1965-66) added:
I have a vague memory that a Lansing snow-plane was sent to Base T on
Adelaide Island in the early 1960s - this might be the one that Ted Clapp
recalls Johnny Green trying to fix a flag to. I think the item iself was blown
off the piedmont into the sea one stormy night. [21 August 2005]