Halley Bay - 1973


Notable events/features of the year

  • Halley III (armco base) fitted out
  • First flight of the BAS Twin Otters to Halley, from Adelaide
  • Bransfield damaged by ice falling from adjacent cliff onto her deck, nearly capsizing her


DaynesR.(Roger)BC, Meteorologist
+BurkeJ.C.(John)Radio Operator
+DawsonJ.D.(John)MO, Physiologist
JacksonA.J.(Tony 'Torchy')Electrician
MacInnesI.(Iain 'Ee')DEM
WincottA.L.(Tony 'Winkle')Builder
+ Deceased


Brae, Muff.


Base photo:
Halley Bay base photo, 1973
Back row: P Ellis - D Habgood - C Palfrey - C Cuthbert - D Walker - D Jones - K Stevenson - A Gay - C Holder - C Bienkowski - I McInnes - A Turner - T Wincott
Front row: D Waller - J Burke (behind) - B Jenkins - R Daynes - D Mackay - T Boyt - T Jackson - J Dawson
Picture supplied by Tony Jackson

RRS Bransfield
RRS Bransfield unloading near Halley, January 1973; Painting by Mike Skidmore

Other information, anecdotes etc.

Paul Ellis:

By sheer chance (randomly Googling something aviation-centric) I found the Z50 site and report of your reunion in October 2006.  I was one of the over-wintering FIDS at Halley in 1973, when Roger Daynes was base commander. I remember particularly Dave Habgood and his bendy pipe and a memorable visit to the Gin Bottle, and Colin Cuthbert, amongst others. Like most FIDS of the time I have a vast stack of photos and 8mm movie, and my daughter (now 26) has asked to take possession of same with a view to digitizing them. Interesting times.
I thought everyone had aged out of all recognition until I looked in the mirror. [23 July 2008]

Bondu - discussion started by Clive Palfrey


Summer 1972-73

+GippsD.R.(Derek)Logistics Officer
LawrenceS.J.(Stuart)Chief Officer, Bransfield

Videos - Norman Eddleston

1961 camp seen in the ice cliffs

1961 camp seen in the ice cliff
Buried 1961 campsite visible in ice cliff at Halley. It eventually floated out to sea in an iceberg.
Picture by Ian Bury
From the BAS image library ref: 10007269; used with permission. No unauthorised copying.

This picture was taken during the 1972-73 summer season though it is not known exactly where. Thanks to Kathy Hayes for providing it. Kathy says the site could have been exposed as a result of the calving event of September 1971. Click on the picture for an enlarged detail.

20 Jun 2024
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