Halley Bay - 1958


Notable events/features of the year

  • Visits from USCGC Westwind, USS Wyandot, and the Argentinian icebreaker San Martin
  • Highest wind gust recorded on base - 82 knots (October)
  • Beastie (ionosonde) aerials collapse
  • BBC TV programmes received (sound only)
  • IGY (International Geophysical Year) ends on 31 December
  • Highest wind speed (5-minute average) recorded: 67 kts
  • Longest journey from base during IGY - Brenan and Barclay cover 125 miles in 10 days (19-28 November), manhauling with one dog, Stumpy


+MacDowallJ.(Joe)BL, Met., Geomag., Glacio., Seismo.
+AmphlettA.(Alf)Diesel mech.
+BeneyI.C.(Ivor)Diesel mech.
+BlackieA.(Andrew)Met., Geomag., Glacio., Seismo.
+BurtonJ.M.C.(Jim)Met., Geomag., Glacio., Seismo.
+DyerH.E.G.(Henry)Wireless operator
+GaneE.J.(John)Wireless mech.
+ThomasG.M.(Gwynne)Auroral & Airglow
+TribbleD.T.(David)Met., Geomag., Glacio., Seismo.
+WardD.G.(Derek)Met., Geomag., Glacio., Seismo.
+ Deceased




Expedition photo:
IGYE Halley Bay base photo, 1957-58
Halley Bay IGYE 1956-59 (Main party and first relief members); taken 0015hrs (local time) Jan 1st 1958
Ken Amy; Philip Brennan; Joe McDowell; Ivor Beney?; John Smith; Alf Amphlett; John Gain; David Harrison; Pete Jefferies?; Henry Dyer (green hat); David Cansfield; Andrew Blackie; David Tribble (IGYE sweater); Malcolm Edwards; Derek Ward; Jim Burton; Fred Morris?; Robin Smart; Gwyne Thomas; William Bellchambers; Bert Brooker; Len Constantine; Les Barclay; (missing: Ben Ellis?).
Picture by Derek Ward

Group photo (Reunion 2000)

Surface scene; 1958.Picture by Derek Ward
Chimney, flag pole, and Stumpy's kennel. Stumpy was the pet husky picked up by Tottan from the Norwegian Base on changeover 1957/58. (Her legs were too short to allow her to be part of a dog team).

More pictures by Derek Ward.

On Floating Ice
On Floating Ice

Oral History Recording

Bill Bellchambers

Other information, anecdotes etc.

Hut design comments by Joe MacDowall

Beer and shovels by Joe MacDowall


Summer 1957-58

ReedD.R.(Dale)Ionospheric Studies

Dale Reed: "I visited from the USS Wyandot. Walked through the Emperor Penguins (including chicks) until someone met us in their Ferguson tractor pulling a sled. But the tractor got stuck so while helping push it out I cut my thumb and still have the scar. While at the base I was shown the scientific equipment (Ionosphere Recorder as I remember). I was mighty impressed that you English spent two years in a row on the ice.
After being flown by helicopter back to the ship we continued on to Ellsworth Base for 13 months but I returned to the ice later for 15 months at Byrd Station. Dale" [15 February 2007]
Oral History interview

4 Mar 2025
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